Arnab Goswami

Arnab Goswami

Humanitarian Welfare & Research Foundation (HWARF) proudly organized ‘An Evening Chat with Arnab Goswami’ at Grant Medical College & Sir JJ Group of Hospitals, Mumbai. HWARF trustee Dr. Rakesh Kumar shared the dais with Arnab Goswami & Head of the Institute Dr. T P Lahane at the prestigious Anatomy hall of the Grant Medical College. Arnab Goswami stated “My parents do not attend any public events with me but they accompany me today because this event is at Grant Medical College & Sir JJ Group of Hospitals and organized by Humanitarian Welfare & Research Foundation” This rewarding statement made us feel satisfied and proud. This event realized that HWARF is doing worthy, memorable, and unrivaled work. Arnab Goswami always asks straight and direct questions in his television program. On this eve, medical undergraduate students & few professors of JJ Hospitals asked many striking questions to this renowned journalist; Arnab responded to the questions fearlessly. This event created a positive impact on the newly budding medical students as at the end of the event all students felt boosted. HWARF trustees Mrs. Christine & Dr. Rakesh Kumar arranged all the necessary requirements to conduct this successful event.

  • Date:

    Mar 24, 2017

  • Category:


  • Location:

    Grant Medical College